RAIID AloT Wright is an integrated control system that enables decision-making based on various data.
Various IoT connections are easy and various dashboards are based on collected data.
Real-time control is possible through quick and easy configuration.
🔉 Configure customized control platforms for each industry sector
Being Smart is an indispensable asset for sustainable future. AIoT Wright guaranties easy assess and normalize data as well as the best use of the information. Integrating all smart control-related functions into one platform.
🔉 Smart and accurate security and control!
Supporting MQTT
(standard protocol)
Providing IoT messaging
Intuitive Alarm Setting
Intuitive alarm setting
with message/TTS/icon
Providing its DB
Data analysis and data
integration nodes
sensor history through
a dashboard
Providing a custom
setting function
Custom setting in zones,
sensors, icons, etc.
🔉 Extended range of applications of AIoT Wright
Custom UI enables clients to introduce task solutions suitable for each field.
(Additional change of UI/UX and drawing design are possible.)