RAIID Sales Wright is an integrated sales management platform that collects and analyzes data related to sales and menus of franchise stores. It provides the data and solutions so that your company should focus on customer value.
🔉Dashboard that can be easily checked by both headquarters and affiliated stores
For head office
For affiliated stores
Manage scattered sales data all at once.
Sales Wright can collect data from multiple payment channels (OKPOS, BAEMIN, YOGIYO, Coupang Eats) and confirm comprehensive data for all payment channels.
We provide services divided into headquarters and affiliated stores.
- Headquarters service: Store management and complete data for each store
- Affiliate store service: Comprehensive data such as daily sales, payment details, and reviews of each store
🔉 Franchise management support platform that supports store operations
Report - Report of daily sales and the number of payment
- Daily menu purchase details provided in an Excel file
- Possible set option data
Dashboard - Chart of sales and the number of payments for each store
- Heat map of payment method and sales of each store
Store/Payment Method Management - Menu depending on each user permission